Okay, Fine: Links!

Put these in your browser, and shake well.

  • Facebook apps are not a long tail. So says Chris Anderson, who oughtta know. The tougher question is: Since the recent changes to app distribution on Facebook’s platform, will there ever be another popular new application on Facebook again. Or is the era of hit F8 apps over already?
  • Prince is Rolling Stone’s most underrated guitarist. The article’s got a great shot of Prince’s most ridiculously entertaining affectation of recent years: His habit of throwing his guitar away in faux-disgust at the end of his solos. His poor guitar tech Takumi is gonna take one of these spiky symbol-shaped guitars to the head one of these days while trying to make the catch.
  • I lovedIan Rogers’ post about digital music, “Convenience Wins, Hubris Loses”. Choice quote: “Back in 1999 … We naively and enthusiastically suggested to labels that we’d be a great place to sell MP3s. The response from the labels at the time was universally, ‘What’s MP3?’ or ‘Um, no.’ Instead they commenced suing Napster.” Working in music promo online back then, I got to see those reactions first hand, and I guess I was equally naive.
  • Rafe points toJeff Atwood’s great post about copyright and YouTube. I have the opposite conclusion than these guys: If YouTube has created something fantastic, and it required copyright violation to do so, then copyright law should be changed to make it legal. Laws are ours, people — they’re not carved on stone tablets.
  • The PlayStation 3 is a complete failure for casual gaming. That’s not news, but it’s never been articulated as well. Especially damning is that even the fanboys can only dispute minor facts, not the fundamental conclusion.