Comic Release

Ten years ago, then-Microsoft fontographer Vincent Connare launched the Comic Sans Cafe.

During 1994 I noticed that a large number of cartoon/comic style software titles were under development at Microsoft. As Microsoft Creative Writer had a need for FUN fonts, I had an idea to make a lettering script similar to the lettering used by the major comic books.

There was a consistent style used in comics, which was quite unlike the style of lettering you see in newspaper cartoon strips. I also noticed that many people were inappropriately using drafting lettering in comic speech balloons.

Five years later, and half a decade ago, more from Vincent:

I can understand some of the sentiment behind the ‘ban comic sans’ campaign as often the font is used in an inappropriate way. Comic Sans was designed originally for use only by a comic application. That application and its inspiration was Microsoft Bob. MSBob used Times New Roman in cartoon balloons for the words of cartoon animals and characters…

Having said that, I feel that the use of my image, taken from a photo posted on my personal website, is inappropriate. The way people use the font and its distribution with Microsoft products has nothing to do with me.

The campaign he’s referring to, of course, is ban comic sans.