Blogging For A Living

One of my favorite parts of my job is getting to write posts for some of our dozens of company-run blogs. I’m particularly pleased with two that went up today: Step Away From Your Computer:

As a lot of people have noted, Vox isn’t just blogging, it’s blogging enhanced by the power of a smart social network. But if your social network doesn’t work when you’re not sitting in front of your computer, your social network doesn’t work.

Vox on the Nokia N93i

That’s a pretty big problem for us — we want everybody to be able to connect and share and blog with the people they care about. So we have been working with our friends at Nokia for a few years to improve the experience. And today, we are extremely excited to announce a huge step forward for Vox, for Nokia, for mobile blogging, and for you actually being able to share and record your life while on the go.

Today at the Consumer Electronics Show, Nokia announced a bunch of sexy new thin phones. But while the press releases and gadget blogs will cover the tech specs of megapixels and memory cards, we think the biggest milestone is that the new Nseries phones will let you connect directly to your personal blog on Vox. Vox is now Nokia’s global partner for blogging and video sharing.

And the one I’ve been meaning to write for a few weeks, Time Meant “Us”, Not “You”:

Time made a big splash (and caused a few rolled eyeballs) when they named “You”, the citizens of Web 2.0, as the Person of the Year for 2006 a few weeks ago. But amidst all the congratulations and second-guessing in the blogosphere, one critical point was overlooked:

They should have said “us”.

Because the distinction between Time and the rest of us who blog is imaginary — Time’s writers are bloggers too. And they’ve got a whole bunch of real, honest-to-goodness TypePad blogs, not just some token cobweb-covered corner of their website that’s called a blog. They’re complete with RSS feeds, comments from the community, and tons and tons of regular updates.

Along with my post a few weeks ago about OpenID’s growing momentum, I’ve been really pleased with the quality of posts on that blog. Most people don’t know that we maintain over 20 regularly-updated blogs, but I’m hoping in the weeks to come we can help show people all the different things we’ve been posting.