Where does video go?

Last time, a rumination on video quality. Today, a look at [Ze Frank going Hollywood](http://www.observer.com/printpage.asp?iid=14010&ic=The Transom "New York Observer"), courtesy of the NY Observer. The nut graf, to me, is buried halfway down the story:

In March of 2001, Mr. Frank was an art director at Dennis Interactive. He became an Internet rock star overnight when, as he put it, “The ‘How to Dance Properly’ thing hit.”

“You know, I made a little birthday invitation that I put online of myself dancing like an asshole with some sarcastic commentary, and I sent it to about 17 people, and then millions of people were watching it within a couple days,” he said. “It’s one of the strangest things that can happen to you. It’s just so crazy to be getting e-mails at that rate, where every single time you refresh there’s 60, 70 new e-mails from around the world. It was just so weird and exciting.”

Mr. Frank knew he was on to something. He quickly threw up a Web site and quit his job.

Again and again, the lesson I am learning is that jumping in with both feet and being really committed is the key to success. I’ve seen lots of people who have made little things that took off on the web, (hell, I’ve made some myself) and almost none of them have done what Ze’s done with it. I don’t know that my goal would be to get to Hollywood — Ze’s headed West just as I’m moving back East — but it’s still an impressive and useful reminder.