I'm Huge in Japan

My not-very-secret ulterior motive for being such a big fan of Six Apart’s strong international presence has been the promise that our overseas efforts will result in me getting to take trips to fun parts of the world. And, finally, success! Kind of.

I’m in Tokyo right now for my very first trip to Japan. I’m really excited to see the Japanese team members I’ve already met, and to finally talk face-to-face with the rest of the team. (We do videoconferences, and people post pictures online a lot, so I’ve already seen a lot of people’s pictures.)

However, this is an extraordinarily short trip that happened on short notice, so I can’t really do much sightseeing or meetups. On the plus side, I’ve got some cred because the Nikkei BP blog (powered by Movable Type, natch) picked up my “Don’t Be a Bad Pitcher” post. Now if I could just find some time to go buy consumer electronics from here in the future.