Everybody Loves Me!

I have received the following comments on posts from my Pop Life blog. Though they’re ostensibly aimed at the celebrities I discuss on the blog, I prefer to think they’re aimed at me.

Hey Baby!!

I love you sooo much.I love your music, your style, and eveything else about you. I am very happy for you. i love your clothes i think they are very hott and sexy. well i want to congradulate you and i want u to know that ALL YOUR FANS LOVE YOU BUNCHES Keep up the good work and good luck in the future love ya

Thanks! I am pretty proud of my clothes.

you are a great singer and a good dancer and have great taste of clothes and shoes & also has a wounderful voice.

Again with the clothes! You’re gonna make me blush.

Hey babe!!

I love your clothes.I look really good in them too!! I love you soo much. I listen to your music like everyday no matter where i am. I am your #1 fan and i don’t care bout all these other ppl tellin u they are cuz i am. well i love you bunches and keep up the good work and continue to be successful luv ya


I’ll do my best! I bet you look great in my clothes.

i think you need your head examined or something.. because mandy is not another britney spears or christina aguilera it doesn’t mean that she is not good in what she is doing (acting and singing) she has real talent! And in the end she did win britney spears in the 2002 MTV movie awards for Best Breakthough Female fir her role as jamie in a walk to remember..

A walk to remember influenced alot of people (including me) to do something good and change their way of thinking!!

Oh, wait, hmm. That one actually was aimed at me. It’s true, though, my feelings on Mandy Moore do justify a psychological exam.

34, 23,42 nelly this is all for you baby

Well, usually I go by “Anil”, not “Nelly”, but I’m not picky.

If people ever start being web-saavy enough to understand the difference between a post about someone and a post by that person, it’ll be a sad day.