Still chugging along

I’m still in the process of doing some reworking of my blog here, but if you’re interested in a lot of the blog-tech-related posts I put up on my Daily Links or want to know the latest things people are doing with Movable Type and TypePad, you should check out the Six Apart Professional Network site, which I’m in charge of.

I’ve been posting a lot of my new discoveries there and will probably start moving a lot of my more detailed discussion of tools over to that blog. It’s not that I mind being a company shill, I just figure it’s more appropriate to put there and I know that lots of you who read my personal site like the more random assortment of topics I post about that were being somewhat crowded out by Six Apart-related topics.

There’s probably a whole post I should write about the “my blog doesn’t reflect the opinions of my employers” disclaimer that lots of people have to do, but suffice to say that I post about the work our company does because I’m genuinely enthusiastic about it. Sometimes my opinions don’t agree with the company’s and sometimes they do, and hey that’s cool.

Go check out the blog and sign up for the Professional Network. Now that I’m the VP of the Professional Network, we’ve got some cool stuff on the way. Woo! And once my head’s above water again, I should be able to resume posting on here again, hopefully with some more interesting content. Not that there’s anything wrong with "which Golden Girl are you?"