How I am using Movable Type

In answer to Mena’s question regarding Movable Type, asking "How are you using the tool?", I thought I’d explain a little bit about my personal setup.

I have six weblogs, one of which is inactive because I used to use it to keep track of my Peeves of the Moment (any old-school readers remember those?) but it hasn’t been touched in a long time.

In addition to that, I’ve got my mothballed magazine, the KICK! blog for the kickball game, and the Kevin Sites mentions blog which I set up last year.

And of course, I’ve got my main weblog and the Daily Links, which also appear on the sidebar of the main blog. I actually have three or four others, which you can find at, but those are TypePad sites.

Now, for authors, I have two logins for myself, though I don’t remember why. Then I have two guest logins for people like Xeni who are allowed to update the Kevin Sites blog. I have a login for my sister, though she’s never really blogged, and I have another author account I made for Danyel when she posted last month.

In total, six weblogs, five of them active, and six authors, only two of them active in the last 90 days. I’ll be upgrading to MT3, since I want the comment management features, the Atom support, and I like the new UI. The Personal Edition license covers what I’m doing.