Regular visitors will know that

Regular visitors will know that I’m deeply enamored of musical artists who take ownership of their own works. Interestingly, many of them were among my favorites before they became independent, but then went their own way as part of their natural inclination. As I quoted here once before, everything that rises must converge

Anyway, in light of this scary news (Thanks to Rebecca’s Pocket for the link), I’d suggest you go take a look at some talented musicians who, while still usually working within the existing confines of the music industry, have been able to hold on to at least some control of their works.

(In no particular order.) Aimee Mann, George Michael, Jonatha Brooke, (The Former) Prince (not official site), Public Enemy, Ani Difranco (not official site), Arto Lindsay, Shawn Smith.

Obviously, just a partial list, but I guarantee that you’ve heard of at least a few of those artists, and I would expect you’d like at least a few of them, and wouldn’t you really rather give your money to them than to The Man? I thought so.