I've always been a big

I’ve always been a big fan of furniture kits, I can remember building cheesy wood-laminate TV stands with my dad as a kid and being quite pleased to see the results when we were all done.

As I’ve recently become reacquainted with the art form, (in the process of furnishing my current apartment) I’ve gone a little upscale, with much of the new kits coming from Ikea as opposed to Home Depot. Although I suppose I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for the Sauder kits. But the part that troubles me is that none of the manufacturers have the assembly instructions on their websites. Not even so much as a link where you can purchase a replacement allen wrench when you have to retighten the damned thing. Seems like a pretty obvious idea for it to have been overlooked by all these companies.

On a more positive note, the stuff at Target is great, just as good looking as Ikea’s, but cheaper. Woo hoo!